Florida Purple Heart Afghanistan/Iraq Memorial Mural 2010
North Florida Fair :: November 4-14, 2010
Once again, Patriots of the Tallahassee, FL Chapter 758 of the Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH) hosted Florida Purple Heart Afghanistan/Iraq Memorial Mural at the 2010 North Florida Fair. The Display was present during the period November 4-14, 2010.
The mural honors over 250 Floridians who have fallen during the Afghanistan/Iraq campaigns and is the first memorial to bear both the engraved names and color portraits of those who fell. The Portraits are dramatic remembrance honoring those who made the supreme sacrifice during Operation Iraqi freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. Since the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, nearly 6,000 American service members have died fighting the Global War on Terror, now the “Overseas Contingency Operation.” Accompanying the portraits are tributes to those American service members who served and died during War World II, Korean War and Vietnam, shown below.
We would like to thank North Florida Fairgrounds Manager Mark Harvey and his Staff for donating a booth in building 3 for our Afghanistan/Iraq Memorial Portrait Mural Display. We appreciate the gifts from the following sponsors: Brian Barnard of Flooring America and Nate Prosser of Tallahassee Nurseries, Inc. We would also like to thank our Patriots Arnold Gruning, C.T. Farris, Dennis Foggy, Jim Holland, Jose Alicea-Ortiz, and Washington Sanchez for giving their time to monitor the Display. A special thanks goes to Carmen Garcia for helping set up the Display.